I'm Melting!

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Excuses, excuses

OK, so why haven't I been blogging????  Because I fell into one of those traps that seem to catch all of us chronic dieters..I broke a body part, and just couldn't find some alternate way to exercise.  I broke my toe.  How could such a small, usually ignored little digit cause so much pain!!!  I must have subconsciously blamed my Jillian Michaels' 3-in-1 aerobic step, because I've sure been ignoring her (She has taken on the persona of the real Jillian Michaels).  I had been faithfully doing my stepping, and, after reaching a point close to death from heavy breathing and muscle fatigue, I took a break with a speed walk around my living room.  With a wide round around my coffee table, I managed to collide with a recently purchased case of two-buck chuck from Trader Joe's stacked with a case of EAS protein drink (You know, a little red wine provides those necessary anti-oxidants!).  So, thus ended my 100 day exercise challenge,  on day 68.

That was two weeks ago.  Today, my toe is much better.  Still taped up, but I can now walk on it.  A few 12-hour shifts prolongued the pain a bit...it didn't like being shut up in hard toed shoes (The doctor didn't tell me the whole top of my foot would turn purple.)

What's that?  Oh....I think I hear Jillian calling!   Gotta go!

Friday, December 9, 2011

A New Day, A New Year!

So it's time for the yearly weight watcher program change.  Also a good time to get back with blogging again.  When I don't take time for myself, I'm not successful in losing weight.  So, to start of with the first step of "Power Tracker" that I got tonight, I need to think about "Smart-Choices Spaces."  What do I remove from a space that can be replaced with something  to help me succeed.

The first spot is labelled "kitchen."  Well, that one is easy.  I just have to remove the refrigerator.  Maybe I could live with a cooler.  Of course, another choice is the pantry.  I could fill it up with all the clothes I have that I can't fit into.   No food, no fat!

The next spot is labelled "car."  Don't have anything to remove in the car.  Could take the wheels off and walk, but I'd never make the 58 mile trek to work.  I probably need to add things like healthy long lasting snacks for those times when I "gotta have something...."

And then there is "workplace."  I would have to remove myself from the workplace in order to avoid all the holiday goodies that are sure to be there for the next few weeks.  Hmmm.....maybe I should take the wheels off the car!